Friday, January 3, 2014

The Tale of the Apple

Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman and a tree.

On this tree, some special fruit grew. Some said it was a fig, but we will call it an apple. The man and the woman were both told to never ever pick this apple and eat it. (This is what we call 'schmuck bait.' Of course, they were going to eat it. As soon as the words 'don't eat that apple' came out of God's mouth, the man was probably all 'Oh that apple? That one there?' and went to gobble it up.)

In any case, it wasn't long before both the man and the woman had eaten the fruit and were kicked out of paradise (although how they could call it paradise, but then kick them out after one infraction is something I don't understand). And so they went forth to live their lives somewhere else.

what does this have to do with

I'm getting to that. The woman ate the apple, the woman opened the box. Do you see a pattern here? She is the one who let out evil or at least the knowledge of evil. She is blamed for it all. Do you see? The woman is always blamed.

i dont understand

The apple had to be eaten. The box had to be opened. The woman was merely a scapegoat. The cat was dead already. There was no hope. She had brought something back that was never meant to be.

Hope was dead and buried and the box was it's coffin.

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